
Plant Use and Planting Design

Ass.Prof. Dr. Sabine Plenk

Gebiet: Extensive Staudenverwendung, pannonische Xerothermvegetation, Gestaltqualität und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Stauden und Gehölzen unter den Aspekten unterschiedlicher Nutzungsanforderungen und Funktionen, Stauden im öffentlichen Grün, Pflanzplanung mit Schwerpunkt Stauden und annuelle Pflanzen

Research topics: Contemporary understanding of nature and the tendency to conserve and manage it brings us to a new understanding of gardens; naturalistic planting design has begun to be accepted as an aesthetic value in open urban space. Investigated components are: local aspects and requirements of single species, individual development and influence of plant communities in suitable defined habitats. Perception of landscape is different and complex – active by use and design of landscape, passive by perceiving atmosphere and spirit of places. Investigated components are: interactions Men/Landscape focused on medical, social, technical, aesthetical and ecological criteria, special effects of plants, planting elements and horticulture.

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